Stop Smoking Hypnosis Testimonials for Burlington Hypnosis Centre

Quit Smoking

Be Healthy,
Be Smoke Free

How to Quit Smoking with Hypnosis

Are you looking for the best quit-smoking method to help you finally get smoking out of your life? Our Certified Smoking Cessation Specialist at the Burlington Hypnosis Centre is here to help you stop smoking with hypnosis. Get started today!

Think back to the time when you smoked your first cigarette. You may remember that you coughed. You may have even choked on the smoke or felt light-headed or nauseous. Most people have to lie to themselves at least a few times while suffering through the cigarette to finally be able to take the stench and physical discomfort.

How Does Hypnosis Help Quit Smoking?

You are going to use fixation and repetition to remind yourself of the truth. You were not born with an urge to smoke. Not only that, but you basically hypnotized yourself into doing it by smoking when you were bored, stressed, angry or nervous. After a while, it seemed like smoking was how you got out of those unwanted states of mind. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Smoking is a difficult habit to break. It can be used as a way to manage emotions or act as a distraction. What if you could learn to deal with stress, boredom, or anger without using cigarettes as a cue to change your state of mind? Could giving up smoking be easy if that happened?

Discover Our Hypnosis Program in Burlington

Every day at our stop smoking hypnosis clinic we hear smokers tell us how they suffer through coughing, shortness of breath, health scares, the stench, embarrassment and social hassle of smoking.

Most smokers spend thousands of dollars a year on cigarettes, which quickly adds up to tens of thousands of dollars over time. The best way to avoid all these hassles and expenses from the habit of smoking is to quit smoking. This can be done using hypnosis to stop smoking, a popular service offered at our clinic.

It’s obviously worth it to get smoking out of your life!

Our stop smoking hypnosis program can help you quit smoking naturally. No patches, gum, drugs or vapors.

Stop With All The Excuses

“If I quit smoking, I will gain weight.”
What if you don’t eat to replace cigarettes?

“Quitting Smoking is hard.”
It’s easy if you are calm about doing it.

“I will have cravings.”
If you don’t give in to cravings, you win and they vanish.

You know that you have had it with all the excuses and rationalizations. When you are ready to finally quit smoking, stop smoking hypnosis can help you break the habit.

Why suffer when you can get the help you need? Call now for your FREE hypnotic screening at 905-634-4777.

Get Paid Every Day To Be A Non-Smoker

In Canada, a pack of cigarettes is $10 on average.

Here’s how much money you save by quitting a pack-a-day habit:

Daily: $10
Monthly: $300
Yearly: $3650
10 Years: $36,500
20 Years: $73,000

Michelle Is 6 Years Smoke-Free With Hypnosis – Already Saved $20,000


You can do your screening and sessions online from home, or in person at our location.

Please request what works best for you.

Hypnosis for Quitting Smoking FAQs

When you first started smoking, you probably coughed or thought it tasted or smelled terrible, but you kept doing it. Maybe it was to be cool, or rebel against your parents, or bond with your friends. By smoking over and over again, you convinced yourself you were a smoker. In other words, you hypnotized yourself into it.

These days you may be using smoking as a cue to relieve stress or boredom, or to take a break, or reward yourself. Maybe you link smoking with daily activities such as having a coffee or driving. Or you are used to smoking when you are socializing or connecting with others.

When you learn how to use hypnosis to stop smoking, you can return to the truth: you were born to breathe fresh, clean air. You will also learn some healthy new ways to relieve stress or boredom, go enjoy your daily activities, or bond with others. This way, you can enjoy your life as a non-smoker.

When you are sincere about stopping smoking, hypnosis is a powerful tool you can use to help you make it easy for yourself.

We offer a free hypnotic screening where we evaluate your situation and see if we feel hypnosis is right for you.  

Depending on the individual and if hypnosis is right for you, the success rate of quitting smoking with hypnosis can be quite high.

Hypnosis is proven to be the most effective way to stop smoking. There was a very large scientific comparison of the best way to break the smoking habit. This research looked at over 600 studies that included 72,000 people from America & Europe. When the results of various stop smoking methods were statistically combined, the study found the following:
Stopping smoking with hypnosis had an average of being 15 times more successful than trying to quit cold turkey.
Hypnosis helped people stop smoking over 3 times as effectively as nicotine replacement methods.

Schmidt, Chockalingam, “How One in Five Give Up Smoking”, Journal of Applied Psychology, University of Iowa, October 1992.
Here is a link to Stop Smoking Studies page

Many people have already quit smoking naturally and easily with the help of hypnosis.  However, stop smoking hypnosis isn’t for everyone.  That is why we offer a free hypnotic screening.  At this time, we evaluate your situation and see if we can accept you as a client.  Some important factors that we look for include your attitude and motivation to stop smoking, and your willingness and ability to learn hypnosis as a tool to help you.

If you are a pack a day smoker in Ontario, you are likely spending $5000-$6000 a year on cigarettes.  Even if you smoke 1/2 a pack a day, you are probably spending around $2500-$3000 a year.  In 10 years, that’s at least $25,000!  This habit is costing you a fortune, even before we factor in the health and social cost.  So you really can’t afford to keep smoking.

The first step in determining the cost of your stop smoking hypnosis program is to come in for your hypnotic screening, which is absolutely free.  People vary, and the type of program they need to quit smoking varies. Once we have met with you, and we agree that this is a good fit for you, we can determine what you need and the cost associated.  

We will find a way to make the program comfortable for you financially.  Many of our stop smoking clients are thrilled to discover that they are soon saving money after they have stopped smoking with hypnosis.

Burlington Hypnosis Centre has helped many hundreds of people stop smoking with hypnosis since our doors opened in 2006.  We offer a free hypnotic screening, professional facilities and a Written Service Guarantee.  Located in Burlington, we are just west of Burlington Mall on Fairview Street, across from Goodness Me.

Many of our hypnosis clients don’t experience any cravings for cigarettes at all when they use hypnosis to stop smoking.  For those that do experience cravings, we teach hypnosis techniques to help people let go of the cravings more comfortably.  Generally, people find that the cravings are very manageable and eventually subside.  When you are ready to finally make the decision to become a non-smoker, hypnosis can help you make it easy.

Stop smoking hypnosis uses repetition and fixation to instill or remind you of the truth: You were not born a smoker. You trained yourself how to smoke. You created your own triggers by smoking when you felt stressed, bored, angry, nervous, or you needed to take a break. Your mind now thinks of smoking as a way to deal with states of mind that are unwanted.
Stop smoking hypnosis will help you re-train your subconscious mind to deal with your smoking triggers differently. You can learn how to manage stress, boredom, or anger in other ways that are healthy for you.

At our stop smoking clinic, we hear smokers say they experience being short of breath and coughing. They also suffer from the obvious stench and embarrassment of smoking. Present and future health scares weigh on their mind. The amount of money smokers spend is often many thousands of dollars each year on cigarettes.

Only you can decide when it is time in your life to end smoking. When you are sincere about stopping smoking, hypnosis can help.

Success Stories

“After 34 Years, Christine Finally Stops Smoking With Burlington Hypnosis”

“Health Care Worker Quits Pack-A-Day Smoking Habit‘Just Do It’”

“Peter is Pumped To Finally Be A Non-Smoker”

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You can do your screening and sessions online from home, or in person at our location.

Please request what works best for you.

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