How To Stop Procrastinating & Get Motivated

Discover How Hypnosis can Help you get Motivated & Achieve your Life Goals There is an old Yiddish curse that says “may you grow like an onion with your head in the ground.” Unfortunately many people are under this curse, and they often don’t even know it. Make sure you’re not one of them. Stop […]

Become An AWESOME, Stress-Free Parent By Following These 12 Steps

My parents never knew I had homework, and they certainly didn’t help me with it. These days, it seems that kids expect parents to entertain them, organize their play dates and take them to after school activities several nights a week (per kid!). It’s considered child neglect if kids play at the park without supervision. Instead, kids are making permanent dents in the couch while playing with the video game babysitter — no wonder obesity rates are soaring!

7 Frequently Asked Questions On Stop Smoking

When you first started smoking, you probably coughed or thought it tasted or smelled terrible, but you kept doing it. Maybe it was to be cool, or rebel against your parents, or bond with your friends. By smoking over and over again, you convinced yourself you were a smoker. In other words you hypnotized yourself into it.

Your Life Goals With These 8 Tips


You know what it’s like to get excited about achieving a life goal, only to have it fall by the wayside.  For example, vowing to finally lose those extra pounds.  Or stop smoking once and for all.  Or manage your stress better.  First you are excited and all in, and then something distracts you.  As a result, you abandon your goal.  It’s disappointing.  It wears away at your confidence.  And you suffer the pain and hassle of keeping your problem.

Discover the secret to healthy weight loss

So, you’ve gained weight. You have tried everything to lose weight, from willpower to the lemon juice diet. You are looking for the best way to lose weight fast. With every weight loss diet plan, your weight yo-yos down and back up again. As you gain more and more weight, you feel more and more down. Yet you keep hoping those extra pounds will somehow disappear if you could only find the right magic pill or potion.

Too Much On Your Plate?

On the outside Becky looked like she had it all together. The truth was, on the inside, she was a mess. She had been putting on weight over the last few years. She felt like she was drowning under the extra weight, not to mention the weight of her problems.

This Wacky Yiddish Curse Could Change Your Life

There is an old Yiddish curse that says “may you grow like an onion with your head in the ground.” Unfortunately many people are under this curse, and they often don’t even know it. Make sure you’re not one of them.

The Neural Magic of Hypnotic Suggestion

A new review of the scientific literature studying hypnosis, in the journal Nature Reviews Neuroscience, by Oakley and Halligan, discusses the potential for hypnosis to provide insights into brain mechanisms involved in attention, motor control, pain perception, beliefs and volition and also to produce informative analogues of clinical conditions.


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